Genealogy Request Form

We know your family's history is important to you. We will attempt to answer all questions, such as birth and death information, location of deceased in cemetery, and any other miscellaneous information you provide in your request.

Research & Information

Morales Funeral Home charges $10.00 per name for information requested with a limitation of 30 minute search time per name, which is adequate for almost all searches. The fee is for expenses related to essential staff time and database investigation. If no match is found, the inquiry fee is charged nonetheless.Please complete (as much as possible) the information on the form below and select 'Submit Request' at the end to send the request to us. The following questions must be completed as accurately as possible to facilitate a correct search. Proper spelling is critical in locating correct burial records.

Processing Time

Most requests are fulfilled in 2 days max, however please allow up to 5 days for the completion of a genealogy request. A funeral home staff will contact you via your preferred method of communication. While we strive to keep information up to date and correct, we make no guarantees about the completeness or availability of information requested.


Requests can be delivered via electronic mail, picked up in person or mailed. If mailed costs are $.50 for postage.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact Morales Funeral Home at: (713) 223-1167

Deseased Vital Statistics

Cemetery/Place of Internment

Informant/Person In Charge Information

Other Information & Instructions

Genealogy Request Cost

I understand that I will be invoiced $10.00

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